Le Voyage Dans de Lune

Sunday, April 8, 2012

#79- The Deer Hunter

And she never watched another Vietnam movie again.

#80- The Wild Bunch

Uh.... I felt like it was the kind of artsy that surpasses my understanding. See: ants and scorpions.
Also- hyper violent?
Also- I don't like westerns?

Friday, March 9, 2012

#81- Modern Times

Charlie Chaplin was and always will be great. This is one of my favorite movies of his, since it so well voices my anxieties about OUR modern times. The fury and enthusiasm of modernization scares me, and I think it scared good ol' C-Csizzle too. I don't like iPhones and I don't like E-books. He didn't like assembly lines or......or...prison? Ok ok, my simile is shoddy, at best, but my sentiments are true! He saw a dangerous turn, that, granted, may have always been a part of humanity, towards loving progress so much that you don't even enjoy how lovely the present is.
If you're not careful, the machine you made may just eat you up in it's enthusiasm to do its job well.
Also- I heart slap stick when done as well as this.
Also- can machines have enthusiasm? I just don't know.

Friday, January 13, 2012

#82- Giant

I LOVED THIS MOVIE. Ok ok ok. Rock Hudson? Elizabeth Taylor? James Dean? ALL IN ONE MOVIE? Puh-lease.
Not only is it a beautiful, sweeping tale, that begins in the 20's and ends in the 60's, but it makes one feel patriotic. WHICH I NEEDED AFTER SEEING PLATOON. The scenery, costumes, and acting are all beautiful. I'm telling you, after watching this wanted to move to Texas. And Marry Rock Hudson, but that's besides the point. Also, I think it holds a really good image of marriage. And horse rustlin', but that's not as important.

#83- Platoon

....Welp. There is at least one thing I now know about Charlie Sheen: he was cute in the 80's.
On another note, this film is highly disturbing. VIETNAM WHAT THE H?
On another note, I cried three times.
On another note, so not watching it again.
K thanks bye.