Charlie Chaplin was and always will be great. This is one of my favorite movies of his, since it so well voices my anxieties about OUR modern times. The fury and enthusiasm of modernization scares me, and I think it scared good ol' C-Csizzle too. I don't like iPhones and I don't like E-books. He didn't like assembly lines or......or...prison? Ok ok, my simile is shoddy, at best, but my sentiments are true! He saw a dangerous turn, that, granted, may have always been a part of humanity, towards loving progress so much that you don't even enjoy how lovely the present is.
If you're not careful, the machine you made may just eat you up in it's enthusiasm to do its job well.
Also- I heart slap stick when done as well as this.
Also- can machines have enthusiasm? I just don't know.